Like a Wavebird from the Ashes

wavebird.gifcard_andyr_small.gifThe GameCube pad was an instant hit with me. No previous controller fitted as snugly in my hot little mitts. The buttons were where I wanted them, the sticks were responsive and distinctive, and the analogue triggers worked like a dream.

One thing was holding it back however, a little black cable tethered it to the cube. The stage was set for the grand-daddy of Nintendo controllers, the WaveBird. Once held untethered, all else felt cumbersome and tied down. (A similar experience to the first hold of the Wii-mote/nunchuck.)

The WaveBird continued Nintendo’s use of AA, rather than proprietary, batteries and still managed to last a good 100 hours. It supported up to 16 simultaneously players (if you could find a game and enough friends).

But now the Wii has arrived, are its days numbered? Not at all, it is in fact seeing a resurgence of both its popularity and its usefulness. Not only can you use it to play all those classic GameCube games, but it even works with NES, SNES and N64 virtual console titles.

wavebird2.gifOf course, it does have to compete with the Virtual Console (VC) controller. But for me there’s no competition. The WaveBird not only plays more VC titles, but also continues to support GameCube games. And critically, it’s not tethered to a dangling Wii-mote.

The WaveBird has seen great fluctuations in price over its turbulent life. I recently put together the following list that shows the little fella’s popularity reflected in its price (in my local and on-line retailers):

  • GameCube Launch Price £34.99 (Electronics Boutique)
  • Mid GameCube £27.99
  • Late GameCube £22.99 (Game)
  • End of Gamecube life £5.99 (WH Smiths Sale)
  • Wii Launch £17.99 (
  • Post Christmas price £24.99 (

I think we will see this price increase as its popularity goes up, and availability goes down. So it could well be a good time to buy into some of that WaveBird stock.

Let’s end by quoting from the IGN 9.5 review:

Nintendo’s wireless WaveBird controller is my father. It owns me — there is no doubting that. From the moment I first used it, I knew I would have to worship it for the rest of my life. Really, you’ve read our review — you know we love this thing.

— Update (12th March 2007) —

Thanks for all the feedback. That’s made interesting reading. If you are still after a Wavebird, and beat the escalating ebay prices, Amazon now have them for £17.98 and Play have them for £17.99.

Andy Robertson

63 Responses to “Like a Wavebird from the Ashes”

  1. 1 Go Nintendo January 25, 2007 at 6:54 pm


    …Game People has been tracking the price of the Wavebird since it originally came out. It seems that we are seeing a rise in the price of the Wavebird due to Wii activity. Check out the tracking below…

  2. 2 Kotaku January 25, 2007 at 6:55 pm


    …Sure, it’s all anecdotal, but it makes sense. The Wavebird is a fantastic controller for GameCube games on the Wii. Developers may tell you next-gen is all about high-def, but that’s not true, it’s really just about wireless, sweet, sweet cable-free gaming…

  3. 3 Kerri January 25, 2007 at 7:55 pm

    This is true, I’ve seen the price go up and up for this thing since is release.

    I have a feeling Nintendo will release a new Wii range of GC accessories like third parties are. Perhaps a solid white wavebird or something…

  4. 4 NinFan January 25, 2007 at 9:13 pm

    One correction : the GCN controller cannot “play more VC games”. The Classic Controller is designed for EVERY SINGLE VC game. It was given enough buttons to replicate any controller of the systems represented in the VC Library. According to Nintendo, the GCN controller is going to be compat with “most” VC games, but because of odd configurations it does not promise all will.

    That said, at this point, the GCN controller can play all VC games currently available, and likely will always work with most. However, it’s lack of buttons already make it difficult to play, say, Street Fighter which requires all of the buttons on the GCN controller which aren’t in the optimal places to be used for quick fighting moves.

    Another issue with the GCN controller in general is the placement of the d-pad. The more VC games you play, the more you realize that they simply weren’t meant to be played with an analog stick. The D-pad is in an inconvenient place on the GCN for long-term playing. I tried playing the VC games with an analog stick, and you just don’t get the control you need for a platformer or other intricate old-school games.

    The Classic Controller is also cheaper; $20 vs. $30-35. And requires no batteries, since it piggybacks on your Wii Remote (and uses very little power from it since there is no use of any of the motion or IR features of the Wii Remote). The Wii Remote doesn’t need to “point” at anything while you use it with the Classic Controller, since it’s all bluetooth; I usually have it at my side or on the table in front of me.

    I’ll be curious if the opinions of the OP change when they play with a larger variety of VC titles.

  5. 5 OwnAge NL January 26, 2007 at 1:05 pm


    …Het is natuurlijk te verklaren; de Wavebird is perfect voor het spelen van Gamecube games op de Wii. Geloof wat je wilt, maar next-gen is niet ‘all about HD’, het is ‘all about sweet, sweet cable-free gaming’!…

  6. 6 Generation Wii January 26, 2007 at 1:06 pm


    …ortie peu parès la Game Cube, la magnifique Wave Bird (à mon humble avis la meilleure manette du marché) n’a eu de cesse de voir son prix fluctuer. Il va sans dire qu’avec sa compatibilité sur la Virtual Console, elle commence à être très prisée. Voici une petite analyse des variations constatées sur les prix en Angleterre…

  7. 8 Moz La Punk January 26, 2007 at 4:40 pm

    Quite an excellent article guys. The Wavebird is indeed a fine controller and of course with the BC Wii options its rising in popularity again.

    I do however like the VC controller as well, apart from the oddly placed Z-buttons.

    BTW, I’ve linked to your story on MLP.

  8. 9 spacemky January 28, 2007 at 2:09 pm

    I love the wavebird GC controller, and it rocks on its own merits, but there is one thing it lacks: rumble. I *so* wish that Nintendo would release one with the rumble feature. Does anyone know if the Wii Classic controller has rumble?

  9. 10 Gamer News January 28, 2007 at 6:40 pm


    …Andy writes over on Game People that the Gamecube Wavebird, now usable on the Wii, is starting to become quite popular. And by popular, he means expensive…

  10. 12 Kotaku March 7, 2007 at 4:56 pm

    Pingback from Kotaku

    AGiES says:
    Umm… didn’t the WaveBird come out two years after the Gamecube’s release (even in the EU)? Hell it came out about halfway through the Cube’s lifetime so I have no clue as to where the hell this data is coming from. It’s nice that he tried to do some research, but it would have been nicer if he had taken a quick trip over to Wikipedia.
    01/25/07 11:44 AM

    XgamerM says:
    Just another example of how Nintendo is bringing in the serious CASH on accessories and add-ons that decrease in cost-base over time.
    01/25/07 11:50 AM

    Elixir says:
    I still need to pick up a wavebird sometime. Unfortunately, yeah, they’re becoming harder to find.
    01/25/07 11:50 AM

    G99 says:
    And it would have been alot better if it was all from the same retail not a bunch of different shops. Having it from different places entirely invalidates the results as each retail chain can easily price them differently.
    01/25/07 11:51 AM

    cortot20 says:
    This probably my favorite controller of all time. Sure it doesn’t rumble but it still was ahead of its time and a great idea for the cube. Been using for 4 years and its still going strong.
    01/25/07 11:52 AM

    G99 says:
    I love my wavebird. Absolutely love it. I just wish they had a switch to allow vibration if you wanted it. Even if it sucks battery like no tomorrow.
    01/25/07 11:53 AM

    xhazeleyes01x says:
    i’m sure lack of retro controllers for the wii contributes greatly to this need for the wavebirds. although, i have a retro controller, and i also downloaded SM64 on the VC…and have yet to use the RC…the wavebirds are just so much better for that
    01/25/07 12:09 PM

    NAT_TA says:
    Im seriously starting to dislike Nintendos cash in policy. The controllers for Wii are way way way too expensive and so is the Wii. It costs a little less than a 360 and has way cheaper hardware. When are the consumers gonna see the benefits of buying old hardware in a prettyer package.

    Its time for Nintendo to
    01/25/07 12:13 PM

    CaptCaveman says:
    I will not get rid of my Wavebird, no matter how high the price gets. I did however get rid of my GC component cables when I found out that people were paying 80 bucks for them.
    But the Wavebird is far far to sweet to sell.
    01/25/07 12:15 PM

    NAT_TA says:
    Sorry about the broken comment.

    Its time for Nintendo deliver on the games. I see no promesing titles in the near future except No More Heroes, which in return looks very sweet. And no, Wario Ware is not a real game, its a party game that you take out when people are drinking. Zelda is boring, pretentious and cookie cutter..

    Where are the real games?
    01/25/07 12:17 PM

    Quattuor says:
    I got a WaveBird for my Wii. Since I want to play GameCube games (I never had a GCN), and because the Classic Controller cannot play GameCube games, the WaveBird was the best answer to needing something to play GCN games as well as Virtual Console games.

    It’s win-win, but why on earth Nintendo didn’t make the Classic Controller capable of playing GCN games is beyond me. It really limits the Classic Controller’s usefulness, IMHO.
    01/25/07 12:18 PM

    kingofallcosmos says:
    I refused to spend the big bucks for a controller without rumble, so I bought a 3rd party wireless when I got my Wii. Half the price and way less bulky.
    01/25/07 12:25 PM

    xhazeleyes01x says:
    wait wait, NAT_TA..warioware isn’t a “real game”? oh, ok, so it’s a fake game. just because it doesn’t fit into any particular genre of your liking, does not negate it as a game.

    you’ve played warioware, im sure, being that you said people only bring it out when there is a “party”. even though you cannot even play multiplayer until you unlock multiple single player games… warioware for the cube, was truely a multiplayer game, smooth moves seems to be more fun as a single player game. the multiplayer on it sucks. but yea, i do bring it out when i have people over and we pass the wiimote between single player matches.

    but no, dude, it’s a real game, it’s tangible…

    /taking everything you said as literally as possible to irritate the fuck out of you…
    01/25/07 12:28 PM

    Big_Jock says:
    ‘I refused to spend the big bucks for a controller without rumble’

    So I guess you’re not getting a PS3 then?
    01/25/07 12:35 PM

    Zerokool says:
    Y’know what’s really hard to find in Montreal? Brand new Xbox (the O.G. version) controllers. I’ve been looking all over the place, and I can’t seem to find any. I know that Microsoft is trying to make everyone move to the 360, but still… Can’t even find crappy third-party controllers.

    Okay, rant off.
    01/25/07 12:38 PM

    Billiam25 says:
    @ NAT_TA
    I dare you to tell me why exactly zelda is “pretentious”. In the future, you could always try if you need some help with your platitudes
    01/25/07 12:40 PM

    dvddesign says:
    Oh, man… I had some extra cash back in like October, so I went and bought a Wavebird at EB. Ebay was stupid because people were (and always are) willing to overbid on crap, just because they can. But yeah, prices never fell here in the states. I never once saw a discounted Wavebird in stores. I paid full price for mine, and it’s staying with me. I don’t care if “button layout” is weird for it for SNES games or what, it works. It’s wireless and it works.
    01/25/07 12:42 PM

    Dark-Pen says:
    EB lists it at $35, Target doesn’t even list it online despite having seen it myself at local Target, while Walmart prices it at $28, lists at $30, members of can get it for $32, and doesn’t even list it as being available for order, but its available from other sellers, which are all retarded, particularly the ones charging for $50 for a “brand new” one, testament to the original pricing.

    The current retail price is supposedly $34.99, so if you wanted to get one, and though it pains me to say this, Walmart’s your best bet.

    If I were to get a Wii, I’d love to get 4 wavebirds, but my bastard friends got me 4 black normal controllers a year ago as “birthday presents” after literally breaking my controllers from angry SSBM sessions.
    01/25/07 12:50 PM

    kingofallcosmos says:
    I am still deluding myself that the Immersion suit will go away soon and PS3 will magically get rumble. But I also believe that the Wii will magically get real online play and they will make the online multiplayer (which does not require a change in the ROMs) a reality for the Virtual Console. So yeah, I am crazy.
    01/25/07 01:08 PM

    NAT_TA says:
    @ xhazeleyes01x

    Hehe yeah you are taking my words a little to literally. I know its a “real” game as in beeing tangible :P

    And you are also correct that its the genre I do not enjoy when I play solo. I need more substance, a decent online mode, a good story and generally a game that is deeper. The controls, so far, are way to superficial.

    @ Billiam25

    Zelda is pretentious(sp? i have no idea english is not my first language and looking up every word takes too much time sorry) in its dialouge and story. Other weak points are no voice acting, not enough side quests and it is esentially just a dungeon crawler. There is absolutely nothing innovative about it except some tacked on controls that make you sad.

    01/25/07 01:15 PM

    LeeMon says:
    Quattuor: any and all Wii functionality is disabled the second you go into Gamecube mode. This means, among other things, that the Wiimotes turn off, thus the Classic Controllers have no power.

    It also means that Mario Kart Double Dash detects no LAN and won’t play network multiplayer. Thus, my Gamecube lives to see another day. :P
    01/25/07 01:19 PM

    Falsoman says:
    Ther is gonna be REAL online play on the wii… i just don’t think it’s gonna be as good as Live.

    As for the virtual console one can just dream.
    01/25/07 01:21 PM

    greeneggsnsam says:
    Cable free gaming on GameCube games, it seems. I’ll probably be ripped on for this but i sit and play Zelda Wind Waker with the wavebird 99% more than i play on twighlight princess- gamecube really had the best titles
    01/25/07 01:27 PM

    dowingba says:
    Quattuor: any and all Wii functionality is disabled the second you go into Gamecube mode. This means, among other things, that the Wiimotes turn off, thus the Classic Controllers have no power.

    That’s not a real good excuse. All Nintendo had to do was…not turn off all Wii functionality when in Cube mode. I seriously dislike the GameCube controller, which is why I wish to hell they’d make the Classic Controller work on Cube games.
    01/25/07 01:41 PM

    Falsoman says:
    But dowingba, the wii does not emulate gamecube games, it runs them at hardware, so there is NO way that wiimotes can work with gamecube games… well the only way would be to program gamecube games to use the hardware if detected and that i think that would be a waste of money for new gamecube games. If there’s any on the way….
    01/25/07 01:49 PM

    Torusan says:
    Remember back when Mario Sunshine was released and Shigeru Miyamoto had an interview with EGM in their Afterthoughts section? He said get used to the Gamecube controller, because “10 years from now, it will be standard.” It’s like he planned it all out or something.
    01/25/07 01:53 PM

    KaneRobot says:
    Yep, I just bought a Wavebird on Tuesday (didn’t own a GC but bought a Wii). Most B&M stores had it for 34.99, Target had it for 30 so I picked it up there.

    Not as comfortable as the 360 controller, but I don’t really expect it to since the GC controller is completely ridiculous.
    01/25/07 02:19 PM

    KaneRobot says:
    He said get used to the Gamecube controller, because “10 years from now, it will be standard.” It’s like he planned it all out or something.

    I do remember that, and please don’t even begin to pretend that the Gamecube controller is becoming “the standard.” That was one of the poorest designs for a controller ever, and just because the Wavebird controller is experiencing a resurge doesn’t mean it’s an endorsement of the controller itself. People want to play Gamecube games, and they want to do it wirelessly. Not really any other choice but the Wavebird.
    01/25/07 02:21 PM

    cervantes21 says:
    Foresaw the Wii’s Gamecube perks last summer and picked up a wavebird from Graywhale music in Salt Lake. Luckily they often don’t know how to price their Game selection and hardware, and the Wavebird was perched on a shelf, priced at 14 bucks. Too bad I don’t have a Gamecube and still can’t find a Wii in Vegas. I would like to try some Twilight, and wouldn’t mind popping in some RE4 to blow some heads off (can we get some RE “umbrella chronicles this year please???)

    Is it true that the Wii cleans up GCN graphics a bit? There are a few titles that I never got to on the cube.
    01/25/07 02:36 PM

    dowingba says:
    But dowingba, the wii does not emulate gamecube games, it runs them at hardware, so there is NO way that wiimotes can work with gamecube games…

    There’s no possible way the Wii could tell the Cube hardware that the Classic Controller is a GC controller? I find that pretty hard to believe. And unless they’re planning on patching the system to accept Classic’s as GC controllers, why does the Classic Controller even have 2 analog sticks? There’s no reason for it on any of the VC systems.
    01/25/07 02:43 PM

    dowingba says:
    The Wii doesn’t technically do anything to GC graphics, but I actually notice a difference (for the better). Fact is, it’s a different system and therefore outputs a different contrast and colour saturation, or what have you. I don’t get the muddiness on my HDTV that I got through the gamecube.
    01/25/07 02:46 PM

    Torusan says:
    cervantes21 says:
    Foresaw the Wii’s Gamecube perks last summer and picked up a wavebird from Graywhale music in Salt Lake. Luckily they often don’t know how to price their Game selection and hardware

    They sure don’t. They even price their new games 3-5 dollars less than normal retail value.

    KaneRobot says:
    I do remember that, and please don’t even begin to pretend that the Gamecube controller is becoming “the standard.”

    I’m just saying that if Super Smash Bros. Brawl is anything like Melee, people will be playing years after its release and thus, the Gamecube controller will be in our hands in 2012. Yes, its just one game, but sorry if I like to point out some interesting references about Miyamoto. Damn.

    dowingba says:
    There’s no possible way the Wii could tell the Cube hardware that the Classic Controller is a GC controller? I find that pretty hard to believe.

    Believe it. Once you boot that GC game, you can’t go back to the Wii menu without turning the system off and on… by pushing the button on the system. That’s right, you can’t turn it off via wiimote once in GC mode.
    01/25/07 03:47 PM

    Torusan says:
    And unless they’re planning on patching the system to accept Classic’s as GC controllers, why does the Classic Controller even have 2 analog sticks? There’s no reason for it on any of the VC systems.

    Certain Wii games use the Classic Controller. Brawl might even use it.
    01/25/07 03:50 PM

    Yetanotheruninspiredscreename says:
    N64 games use the classic controller and only the classic controller or gamecube. The second analog stick is in place of the four camera buttons. Christ how stupid are some people?

    Certain wii games will either use the wiimote, nunchuck combo, classic controller or gamecube controller.
    01/25/07 04:02 PM

    dowingba says:
    The second analog stick is in place of the four camera buttons. Christ how stupid are some people?

    Last I heard 4 digital buttons didn’t require an analog stick to work. In fact they’d work alot better with 4 buttons. Idiot.

    Believe it. Once you boot that GC game, you can’t go back to the Wii menu without turning the system off and on… by pushing the button on the system. That’s right, you can’t turn it off via wiimote once in GC mode.

    I realize that’s how it works. My point is, it’s a design decision on Nintendo’s part. There’s no reason every Wii feature must be turned off just to run GC games. It’d be actually incredibly easy just to run a piece of software outside of the GC hardware that turns a Classic Controller signal into an emulated GC controller signal before it even reaches the GC hardware.
    01/25/07 04:18 PM

    Torusan says:
    That software would have to be run using the Wii hardware which doesn’t function in GC mode.
    01/25/07 05:36 PM

    Loki says:
    Gods, does it really even matter that much.

    Anyway the second analog stick is for future Wii games that will possibly/definitely use the classic controller such as Fire Emblem and Brawl. It’s used as a replacement for the 4 C buttons because 4 buttons would take up more space and be redundant on everything but N64 titles (granted you could argue the analog stick is a little redundant as well but it has more potential use). Also it’s possible they could have set up the BC to recognise the classic controller as a gamecube controller but you have to remember it’s tricky business.

    For good emulation of software designed for a particular system ideally you need hardware a good deal more powerful than the original. Generally free commercial emulaters are produced by people outside the company that originally made the hardware. This means they don’t have full knowledge of the system and have managed to create the emulater through reverse engineering. This isn’t that efficient and so you need hardware significantly more powerful (around 16x roughly). However some consoles use software emulation for their backwards compatibility the slim PS2 and the 360 both use it instead of hardware emulation.

    Software emulation is tricky and even though it’s made by Microsoft with the full knowledge of the original Xbox system it’s not perfect. The slim PS2 only works fine because Sony took the time from the original PS2 launch to perfect the PS1 software emulation (that and the PS2 probably had a larger power gap between the PS1 than the Xbox and 360).

    Now the Wii uses hardware emulation which means essentially when you start up a Gamecube game the Wii turns into a Gamecube. Writing software in to recognise input from the classic controller would be incredibly tricky and possibly screw up elements of backwards compatibility. To be honest it’s really not worth it, just pick up a damn GC controller.

    As for some people who questioned the classic controllers usefulness…. that big D-pad is REAL handy.
    01/25/07 06:24 PM

    Image of Dx_Rules5555 Dx_Rules5555 says:
    As for some people who questioned the classic controllers usefulness…. that big D-pad is REAL handy.

    Indeed, it is. I got my classic controller for X-mas, and it is so much better than using the wiimote sideways. I haven’t tried using my wavebird, but I prefer the SNES-like shape of the classic controller.

    Oh, and to the person that said the second analog stick was pointless, you are stupid. It is used for the c-stick buttons for the N64 VC games. On the N64 controller, there were 6 buttons on the right side, and putting 6 buttons on the classic controller would be really weird for a lot of games (other than sega and N64 games). It is easier to use an analog stick for the C buttons, like on the GCN.
    01/25/07 07:09 PM

    Yetanotheruninspiredscreename says:
    “Last I heard 4 digital buttons didn’t require an analog stick to work. In fact they’d work alot better with 4 buttons. Idiot.”

    Wrong those four buttons were replaced on future joypads with a stick since camera control was a lot easier with a joystick rather then buttons.

    So you are the idiot. Also games that used those four buttons for other things found it a lot easier in the ports remakes to have those mapped to a joystick.

    Tell me why did Sony revamp their PS1 controller after the N64 controller was revealed? Because they had to have a second control for the camera and guess what they figured a joystick was better.

    You didn’t know even know that when any N64 game was pushed from the N64 to the Gamecube the game was reprogrammed to use the second joystick in place of the camera buttons.

    “My point is, it’s a design decision on Nintendo’s part. There’s no reason every Wii feature must be turned off just to run GC games. It’d be actually incredibly easy just to run a piece of software outside of ”

    So says the person who is not an game or hardware designer.
    01/25/07 07:11 PM

    dowingba says:
    That software would have to be run using the Wii hardware which doesn’t function in GC mode.

    It’s like an abbot and costello routine here. The Wii hardware doesn’t function. Right, that’s is understood. Why doesn’t it function? Because of a design decision on Nintendo’s part. My gripe is that Nintendo decided to go that way, instead of allowing the Classic Controller to be used on GC games. Why? Because the GC controller sucks, plain and simple.

    And the Classic Controller was clearly designed with the GC in mind, whatever you want to force yourself to believe. Not only does it have the second analog stick (instead of 4 buttons, like oh I don’t know a second D-PAD?) but it also has that extra Z button…you know, in case you want to use your right hand to hit the Z button, kinda like how it is in Gamecube games?

    The worst thing about the GC, besides its lack of games, is the controller. It’s one of the worst controllers ever designed.
    01/25/07 07:29 PM

    Torusan says:
    The worst thing about the GC, besides its lack of games, is the controller. It’s one of the worst controllers ever designed.

    I’ll value that as your opinion, but lets leave it at that. Preference and opinion. I own more games for my Gamecube than my PS2 and couldn’t imagine playing some games without the GC controller. Really, when you think about this “design decision,” maybe Nintendo just considered that people would like to use controllers they already own. If you have GC games you’d like to play to begin with, maybe you also have the controllers, yes? Also, some games (VC and possibly future Wii titles) allow more than four players which require both GC and Wii input devices.
    01/25/07 07:46 PM

    Image of Dx_Rules5555 Dx_Rules5555 says:
    And the Classic Controller was clearly designed with the GC in mind, whatever you want to force yourself to believe.

    Ummm….are you retarded? The classic controller looks more like a SNES controller mixed with a playstation 1 controller.

    I always liked the GCN controller to be honest. Sure, the button layout was a little weird for some games, but the comfort in your hands was unmatched by the PS2 and XBOX controller, IMO.
    01/25/07 07:57 PM

    Ally-san says:
    Hehe. I laugh at all you people who went out and blew a bunch of money on Wavebirds for your Wiis. We’re using 3rd party used regular Gamecube controllers for Mariokart Double Dash and they work just fine. Despite the part about how they’re wired and all… but we deal with it.
    01/26/07 04:40 PM

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